Upayes are a special feature of ancient Hindu/Vedic astrology. Planetary mantras, astrological-quality gemstones, and mantra-based spiritual ceremonies, called yagyas, are all examples of upayes.

Upayes Alleviate Karmic Difficulties

One of the most powerful upayes of all is the yagya (also spelled yajna). A yagya is a religious or spiritual ceremony performed by a Hindu priest in order to alleviate karmic difficulties and this is generally the most preferred method to ameliorate a crisis situation or a dangerous, life-threatening dasa bhukti.

How to Schedule a Yagya

James recommends bhawnayagya.org. Visit the Bhawnayagya.org website for more information. Price as of July 2023 for a nine-day yagya, with seven priests praying for three hours per day: $525. A three-day yagya is $300.

Watch James’ Videos about Yagyas and Astrological Gems

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R_VjGnYouk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpM7-TiXsE 

Chanting Planetary Mantras

Another way to heal afflicted planets and difficult dasas and bhuktis is to chant astrological mantras. These are the same mantras that the Hindu priest chants when performing a yagya, although yagyas include additional ceremonial material. Some Westerners will find chanting astrological mantras comfortable while others may not.

This Planetary Mantras page explains what they are, how to chant them, and has a complete list of them.

Wearing Astrological Gemstones

Go to the Astrological Gemstones page for the list of gemstones and how to use them.

What is an Astrological-Quality Gemstone?

Gemstones should be very high quality and they must be natural. This means gems should not be heated, dyed, and chemically altered. Stones do not absolutely need to touch the skin, but there should not be metal under the stone, if possible. It is unimportant where the stones are worn, as long as they feel comfortable.

Most importantly, gems should be large, two carats or more if possible, and devoid of flaws and imperfections. If this is not possible, one should consider purchasing a slightly smaller gem or a “secondary” stone – a stone which is similar in color and chemical properties to the traditional gem. Because secondary stones are weaker in their effects, however, their size should be increased. Also, wearing several tiny “chips” that add up to two or three carats is entirely ineffective. The gem must be large and pure to give noticeable benefits. Interestingly, the way many Indians chose gems is by picking one they like and taping it to their body for a few hours or a day. They then pay close attention to their moods and the positive or negative news that comes their way while wearing the stone.

Astrological-quality gemstones can be ordered from:

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